Saturday, January 5, 2008

Things I had done on December

At December I Done reading 5 novels:
Da Vince Code
Starcraft : Liberty's Crusade
Starcraft: Shadow of Xel'naga
Starcraft: Speed of Darkness
Starcraft: Queen of blades
Starcraft: The Dark Templar Saga Book 2

I really wanna get the book 1 and and book 3 of the dark templar saga!~~
Overall the ones I recommend on is:
Da Vince Code
Starcraft : Liberty's Crusade
Starcraft: Shadow of Xel'naga
Starcraft: The Dark Templar Saga Book 2

The dark templar saga is nice but without the book 1, many things could not be understand!~
And davinci code is a very nice to read on the novel, the story is a little vary from the movie, but there are more understanding on the novel. Such as the Atbash coding, where Z is A, Y is B and so on. Its very interesting to read and you would focused and imagine the scene of the story, hence increasing conceptual skills.

Get a hobby and start reading dudez!

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