Every human have 2 baskets (or NIKE bags if you prefer it..).
1 is hung on your front, and 1 on your back.
When you had performed an action which you think is good, you write a note and place it inside the basket on your front.
When you had performed an action which you is bad, you write a note and place it inside the basket on your back.
The overall meaning is that people often see what's good about themselves, and did not notice what's bad about themselves. Since the "bad basket" is hung on the back, other people could always see it and realize what bad deeds you had done.
Though there are also people who always looked behind, realizing what bad deeds they had done, and try to correct them.
I think that I'm one of those who look back. I realized what bad things I had done, and then try to overcome it by setting up some resolution, but in the end, I got fed up and ended up forgetting/ignoring them, which makes me just as bad as those which did not look back, LoL~

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