Saturday, April 5, 2008

The bad side of the society..

There are people which misuses public facilities, such as toilets, phone booth, and now even the parkings.

There is a guy which sits there all the time at the PUBLIC parking lot, waiting people to come. When people come he would "direct" peoples into the slots and later he demand "payment" from the driver.

That guy misuses the public facilities and act that as if he own the lot, and he jot down people's car plate that does not "pay" him.

Here encloses the picture of that @#$ guy which I secretly took without him knowing, though its far and unfocused, LoL~

Notice the guy on the left back. Yes~ He's the one...

Oh and by the way, you can notice the guy on the right side, he is a traffic police though, but it seems that the @#$% guy is invisible for him.


Petula said...

Yeah, that is the bad side!

BTW: Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a review. I hope to see you around again soon.

Lilly said...

That is horrible. Soes this kind of thing happen much where you are? Do the police turn a blind eye to it?

Shiphire said...

Um, that is not my area, just happen that my family decided to eat at that store, and notice that that guy is there too last time.

But on my neighborhood there are something similar too.

Gotta post it in a few days.

Nux V said...

shitty ppl trying to get $ frm is seen everywhere nowadays, i wonder why ppl just dun care!

CONNIE said...

ouh okie. i nvr noe bout this b4. teruk nye.benci2!

Anonymous said...

So, what does this guy do if you don't pay? Ever had any problems with your car? I wouldn't really say he is the "bad" side of society..maybe just the "annoying" side...he shoul GET A JOB!!! But, maybe that's what you have to do if you get fired from McDonalds. Forget about him and go play Pick a Number and Win!