Today is a really bad day.. Kinda
When attempting on the online quiz which limited for a duration of an hour for one of my subject in Monash university, the internet connection crapped out on the 30th minute.
It takes about 5 minutes for the internet connection to be resurrected.
Normally when a test is interrupted on the midway, the timer of the test would stop. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason the timer continues, when i resume the time passed is on about 37 minutes.
Worst still, when i get back into the test, the first 20 question which i had attempted had been reset.
NOW I had to finish 40 questions within 23 minutes...
After rushing like hell for answers, the time ended when I still have 9 question unanswered.
That's why i hate cheaply constructed java programs, which always fail.
The connection on Malaysia is still as shitty as ever, causing me my important marks.
The only hope now is that the subject caretaker would notice my email sent to him and give me some time extention for the test..
In conclusion, I hate java based programs and Malaysian internet connection..
Maybe I had to switch to Maxis broadband.. Think that it would be better than the Malaysian streamyx. On the mean time I just had to bear with it..
Carlton City Hotel Breakfast
1 week ago
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