After bombarded the customer care with emails, they used the reason: there are global shortage of LCD screen...
This is the true message:
I regret that currently there is a global, industry-wide shortage for LCD screens that cuts across all display sizes and is affecting delivery to customers. This is why we could not deliver the order within the normal lead time which is 5-7 working days. The date provided is an estimation and we really do hope it could be fulfilled within the stated time frame.
Any inconvenience caused is very much regretted.
A global shortage? I was like... WTH?! SWT~!
Carlton City Hotel Breakfast
1 week ago
hahaa wow if this is true this is sad on the worlds computer production behalf. shortage on LCD screen when computer is mass produced nowadays?
if this is false then dells got way to cheat their customers
I posted a comment earlier but then the page couldn't be loaded.
I had worked in hardware IT co b4 and it's true that sometimes, there are parts that needed longer time to reach Malaysia.
Each country's purchaser order the parts based on estimation on history and if the model is still being sold in Malaysia. There's also the warehouse space, transportation of the parts and budget to consider. If there's not enough technicians, your case could be delayed further.
Besides, Dell probably get the LCD (OEM) from another company and there would be a short delay in communication.
Did you ask if Dell could provide another loan notebook for you to use in the meantime? If it's not under warranty, try to squeeze for discount :)
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