Saturday, July 26, 2008
Stress : The begining of an end
Stress will be piling up and there are people who started on their assignment now..
Too much competitors. All reference book were taken by those people, and as a prediction, they would not return the book for about 2 weeks. As expected of us Malaysians where consideration was a minimal factor.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Status update
Its been a 5 days since the plantation of the spinach for the experiment for the crop science unit. There are tiny little sprouts which could be seen now, hope that my watering was not harsh on it and flood/kill them.
If not the whole project will be ruined and a large assessment will be gone.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Food poisoning
Paint joints
Light blurred vision
Sore throat
Skipped an hour class, got back home and slept, no effect, ailment status still persist. Hope that everything would be normal when I woke up.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Eat outside = Stress increase?
Every time this happens, I would always ask my brother:" do you have a sniper? Felt like shooting them.." LoL~
The venue does not affect the rate of encountering of these... I would term the event as: "stress increasing events (SiE)".
There are times where I went to a five star hotel to dine, where each person needs to pay about MYR90++. The SIE rate does not decline, and there are still annoying kids around. Here are a list of SiE yesterday on a 5 star hotel buffet:
1. Kids running around.
2. Kids using information card (those who they put in front of the food to inform what food they are) and tried to use it to scoop raw prawns (there are raw stuffs because its BBQ style for now).
3. Babies crying.
4. Kids playing with the chocolate machine (where you use it for dipping marsh mellows)
5. Kids not looking when they are walking.
There concludes my report on SiE, LoL~
The picture below expresses my fury.

Friday, July 18, 2008
Memory card corrupted
The 1st week for this semester really is not good.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Quality blogging is hard..
But it seems that its kinda hard to keep up, as visitors to my site are kinda limited (30+ with linkreferral's help). Though linkreferral surfers might not be real readers but credit earners.
Guess that I will stop gaining credit for linkreferral, lets see how the daily visitors go, though it might reduce till about 5 visitors a day. Gaining credits use up lots of time.
Kinda hard to keep up stuffs recently, especially after the last result impact...

2nd year 2nd Semester's first week
Few of the worst changes on the time table are that I have to go back at 6pm (latest), Long breaks (3 hours) between classes, and class marathon (5 hours straight).
Crappy allocator, provide more stress to us.

Ps. Anyone skilled at drawing and scanning to their pc, please tell me how to do a decent job on what tools should I use to have a better effect instead of it being like the above picture.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Failure of the century
I had wasted lots of time and money in the university life.. Wasted MYR10k on failure alone, not to account the expense of food and fuel.
Guess that I would have to heed my friend and paste up my failed subject in front of me to keep me reminded that I'm a failure and must work more to cover the distance..

Crappy 3 marks make me waste all my time and money, not to mention that I allocated most of my time studying for this subject..
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Post-Exam stress
The results for last semester is coming out. Hope that I would get nice results.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
No luck?
Really no luck.
And semester 2 starts next week.. Double darn!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Great earning opportunity: SocialSpark
Interested in earning some money through your site or blogs but the Google page rank does not allows so? Here is the catch: SocialSpark is a choice which does not require Google rank for you to earn! They have several choices of opportunity, which is normal pay per post and blog sponsorship. Pay per post is that each post you posted for the advertiser once approved, they will transfer the money to your paypal. The other choice which is the blog sponsorship is that you have a contract with an advertiser for a specific amount of time, and they will display a ‘welcome’ page on your site/blog when it was visited. Blog sponsorship pays by a daily basis.
There is Code of Ethics on SocialSpark where users must follow if they wanted to do PPP (Pay Per Post) on their blog, which is very useful and promote honesty while PPPing.
They are:
100% Audit-able In-Post Disclosure
This means that you must visibly state that the post you are having is sponsored to let the visitors know about it. It will maintain the trust of the readers and avoid appearance of impropriety.
100% Transparency
Every member of Social Spark are visible to each other and the public. This system is designed to keep us honest. There is no way to avoid this transparency in this system. With the 100% transparency, you could also build community and drive traffic to your blog.
100% Real Opinions
Opinions on the PPP must be honest. Dishonesty will hurt the blog’s credibility, hence it was not recommended to give false opinions.
100% Search Engine Friendly
All links from SocialSpark are designed to not affect the search engine ranking as they containing “no-follow” attributes. The attribute must not be removed.
If the member does not follow their Code of Ethics, the system reserves a right to remove the violator from it or cancel their bounties.
Here is an example of a SocialSpark ooprtunity:
They would show you whether you are qualify for the opportunity or not on the left bar. When both "open" and "qualify" was green, you could take it as an opportunity! The $100 below the $5.50 opportunity pay is a bonus pay, where the advertiser determine who has the best post about the advertisement post, and the best post will be chosen and get the bonus! By telling this, I am increasing the numbers of competitors though, too bad I am honest! The above picture is an example of an opportunity where I can take, and it was for this post. Meaning that IF my post meet the requirements, I would receive the earnings of $5.50! Oh and by the way, every opportunity once verified by the advertiser must be completed within 12 hours or it will not count.
There may be some problem when first writing a post for the advertisement.
Here is a place where you could learn about posting up the right way after getting the reservation slot. I find it very useful.
Once again this post is sponsored by SocialSpark itself, happy earning!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
For example, in organization ABC there are some issue encountered, but instead of facing the issue, they create a diversion by handling not-so-important issue, and broadcast about the handling of the alternative issue, alternating the people's mind.
Irritating persistant
I am a university student for god's sake.
Just leave me alone and go to sleep yourself, I am not bothering you or anything!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Laptop charged and ready!
Utilized the Dell chat to identify the issue, where they promised for a replacement. At the same time, I told them to replace some other damaged part of the laptop which are covered by the Dell complete cover warranty system. Its a sweet system which would warranty all the components of the computer including the cover of the laptop itself, provided if the damaged was accidental.
A technician was sent over and replaced battery and several part of the cover of my laptop.
Dell seems to have a better service this day, and the chat with technician is very useful since if you use email, they will have a longer delay before you could get their reply.