Saturday, December 27, 2008
Free internet? Heck no!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Quick edit button vanished!!
no idea how to make it appear though, followed instruction from blogbuster, no champagne.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Pagerank again?
Now it is 3, no idea whether it is because o the new domain or did it really appreciate my blog.. Seems like the new domain is more possible, LoL!~
Must... Maintain!!!
Slept a night at Leeds, very cold. According to my brother that lives here or the past few years, it snowed a couple of weeks ago..
Seems that I still had the chance to blog once in awhile during the trip, LoL~
New domain confirmed!!
From now on this blog is instead of the old url.
Bad new though that this blog can't be visited if I omit the "www" from the url, ended up in server not found page while I was trying to access the blog, LoL!
Friday, December 12, 2008
AFK... For a month.
Blog might not be updated for a month or so.
Support my blog!! Foo!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Things you don't want to encounter in a restaurant 1

70% of the ordered clam dish was infested by those @#$% crabs, some of the clams even has 2 crabs in it..
Wonder how is the quality control of the restaurant does.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Gladly I had not failed any subject this semester..
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Clock's ticking
Hope that everything is good and have a happy ending..
My internals are only average, which are about 36 marks out of 100 marks.
Averagely needs 14 marks out of 100 to pass the unit.
Each exam costs 50 marks, which is divided to 180 marks, meaning that I had to get 50 marks per paper to pass the unit..
Pray for my luck, as even my genius friend are worried of the papers this semester.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I was walking down a street towards an unknown place, and we chatted about exam results, and apparently it wasn't released yet..
In my dream, I checked the results using my hand phone, and found out that I have 3 failed subjects..
I panicked in the dream. Glad that it was a dream when I woke up.
I had dreams of getting single digits on my exam paper too..
Hope that this kinda dream will not happen in real life..
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Holiday... Not always good when it is too long..
Its just the first month, and I am already bored to the core..
The other factor which causes this is that the result is coming out Friday..
I really am worried about the results..
Although I generally just need to score 1/4 of the final external exam to pass each tests, I am still worried, as I studied the parts which I had studied.. Not much are covered in the final paper..
Need to bear with this guilty feeling..
Would not know where should I head if I were to fail any of the subjects..
Monday, November 17, 2008
Expensive Crab!!

This is the firs time I had encounter such an expensive crab..
It costs about MYR 78 per crab.. And it's size is freakin' small.
It seems that it is known an "hairy crab", breed on China at places with cool climate, and it is rare.

The taste of the crab butter (The orange reddish substances in the crab) is exceptional. This is the first time I had ever tasted such thick and sweet crab butter.
Guess that it was not expensive for no reason though.
Other than the crab butter, the crab tastes quite normal compared to other conventional crabs.
But still.... Damn is it expensive!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Decided to go to Redbox to sing.. for about 4 hours..
Throat is kinda exhaused, but some of us are mentally exhausted...
Will have another gathering at Thursday..
Guess that holiday does not have much thing to blog about.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Guess that I had to wait till weekdays so that friends could gather and play some multiplayer games. Its boring to be at home since I have no access to RA3..
Seems like a nice game..
And other games I interested (Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3) are not even close to its releasing date...
No life!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Exam over..
Already disappointed my family the last time.. Pray for me.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Candlelight Extinguishing Punch (CEP) LoL~
One of the early parts talked about candle drill, where uses a punch to extinguish a candle light without having contact with the light.
I have nothing to lose, hence I decided that I would try it.
After some preliminary tests, I found out that I could punch out a light with the wind of my fist; hence I decided to record it using my phone.
Below is the clip while I try it though, LoL. Nothing much.
All the punches is from my left hand though, no right involves.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Stupid birds?
Noticed that there were 3 birds which were drenched in water.
I guess that they did not bother to find shelter when it rained.

Click to have a larger picure, could notice that the feathers are clustered together.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Last minute Assignment rush.. again?!
Cellular metabolism 40 pages due Monday, Crop science spinach project due Friday, and crop science herb collection (naming).
Hope that I would survive this..
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Googe pagerank
Google page rank dropped to 0!!!
Guess that my blog isn't that significant after all..
Connection repaired?
Miraculously, the connection worked again, and this time the DSL LED blinked non-stop.
Tried the internet connection, tried the wifi connection, everything is back to normal again.
Till the end, I does not know the cause of the busted connection other than the old fried modem.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Connection busted
Bought new modem.
New modem does not work, DSL does not blink.
Bring modem back to Low yat.
Serviceman Said nothing wrong, claimed that wall jack has problem.
Ended up using crap connection on Monash Sunway.
Super slow, every page loads !@#$.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Laptop Disaster solved?
Scanned with spybot search and destroy,
Lavasoft Ad-aware Plus 30 days evaluation @#$%,
Mc Afee who can't detect anything,
and AVG free.
Now the startup seems fine, and the CPU process average is less than 10 while my firefox, windows live messenger and song is on.
Hope that this crap will not happen again.. Life is hard and there are tons of dateline in Monash.. Crappy stress. Couldn;t afford to have an extended downtime.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Laptop disaster.
2 days are wasted on trying to repair it, and it's still not fruitful.
Hope that I could repair this junk and continue my work..
3 things due next week.
And no, unfortunately system restore file is MIA.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Pre 中秋节 celebration~
Today is 中秋节. Yesterday there is a gathering at my friend's house, LoL. Ate a meal, lots of gossips, and took a lantern and walked around her neighborhood.
At the mean time, we met some kids and one person of the gang rushed up and start to argue with them about who's lantern are better. Its quite a scene LoL~
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Well known?
I don't know is it a good thing or not, and I don't know am I well known for negative aspects or positives ones.
When I went to "I'm Shy" 's pre-birthday gathering, A guy which shares the same course are there too. While introducing myself, that guy states that he already know my name. Feels kinda bad when people know your name but you don't know theirs.
When I question them where they heard my name, they would be twisting around. So I would assume the worst~!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
When they are finished, we went back to the car park to change to formal wear. at that time, i styled my own hair with Gatsby moving rubber myself.. Without mirror!!
Here s the end product:

Too bad as time passes, the moving rubber does not hold the hair very much, and it ended as another style as time moves on.
As my tablemates met, all of the dudes are wearing formal wears and the girls looks gorgeous. one of the girls has (temperory)tatoo just for the ball, LoL.
1 of the patrons on my table went off due to an emergency stuff, where he had to go to Singapore. 2 of the other patrons are performers, leaving the 7 peoples per table.
Going into the ball, once again I found out that my table was situated next to the speaker. all patrons on my table had their ears blasted till near deaf. Though as time goes on, our ear adapted to the situation and we don't care much about it later on since we are walking all over to find targets for pictures, though its not very fruitful.
I left there at 11.55pm. got stuck by the Merdeka jam on the road. Tons of irresponsible motorcyclist ignoring my car and drove without taking cautious, taking up the whole road. I stucked at the junction for about 10 minutes. The police are doing nothing. They vanished after the gathering is off.
After passing through the suffering junction, everything went well and I reached home safe and sound.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Negima OVA!!
At last there is an anime where it follows Mahou Sensei Negima's manga story!!
I did not prefer the 1st 2 season which does not have much to do with the manga though.
Hope that this will stick to the manga story!!
For people who has followed the manga series, these are not spoiler pictures though. But actually it cut short alot of its part.

Negi casting~

Chao casting~

Chao leaving~
Hope that it follow the story line~
Edit (17 March 2009)
The second episode has been fansubbed after a long time!
Report Rush!!

Should have increase the size of the burden though.. Or replace the bag with a rock.
Wish me luck..
Sunday, August 17, 2008
No!!! Gold Medal Hope Vanished!!

China was too strong for an opponent. At least Chong Wei had obtained a silver medal for Malaysia. Other athletes which joined seems that they does not even have chance to get a bronze. Should appreciate this silver though.
KingMax MicroSD is shit
But guess what? It is shitted again. KingMax is bringing in its own grave though. Gotta find the Nokia dealer to ask them about this crap since original phone gives a Nokia brand micro SD with a lower capacity and for this 4 Gb micro SD, I had to pay more for it. Lets see who;s at fault here.. Nokia dealer or Kingmax cheapskate.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Big mistake!!
Ordered a green tea latte with low fat milk.
Didn't finish it and took it home.

Looks normal eh? Unfortunately it's not.

When I got it home, I put in some ice, and decided to place it into a freezer to reduce the melting of the ice before I drink it after washing up. But I ended up forgetting it until the Olympic starts and I wanted to have a drink. The drink ended up frozen.
The thawing sure takes time, and the end product is kinda diluted though.
Japanese language class!!
The class is not official though, the tutor is a student though.
Learned some basic things such as 1st time greetings, and basic "spellings" of words and writings.
Dunno I type right or wrong though, LoL~
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
The rush continues
But the assignment due date has been secretly postponed to monday.. WOOHOO!!!
On an unrelated matter.. The Simpsons RULES!!!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Shitty file hoster.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Assignment rush!!
No time to draw expression!
Good luck to everyone rushing for assignment and godspeed!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Stress : The begining of an end
Stress will be piling up and there are people who started on their assignment now..
Too much competitors. All reference book were taken by those people, and as a prediction, they would not return the book for about 2 weeks. As expected of us Malaysians where consideration was a minimal factor.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Status update
Its been a 5 days since the plantation of the spinach for the experiment for the crop science unit. There are tiny little sprouts which could be seen now, hope that my watering was not harsh on it and flood/kill them.
If not the whole project will be ruined and a large assessment will be gone.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Food poisoning
Paint joints
Light blurred vision
Sore throat
Skipped an hour class, got back home and slept, no effect, ailment status still persist. Hope that everything would be normal when I woke up.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Eat outside = Stress increase?
Every time this happens, I would always ask my brother:" do you have a sniper? Felt like shooting them.." LoL~
The venue does not affect the rate of encountering of these... I would term the event as: "stress increasing events (SiE)".
There are times where I went to a five star hotel to dine, where each person needs to pay about MYR90++. The SIE rate does not decline, and there are still annoying kids around. Here are a list of SiE yesterday on a 5 star hotel buffet:
1. Kids running around.
2. Kids using information card (those who they put in front of the food to inform what food they are) and tried to use it to scoop raw prawns (there are raw stuffs because its BBQ style for now).
3. Babies crying.
4. Kids playing with the chocolate machine (where you use it for dipping marsh mellows)
5. Kids not looking when they are walking.
There concludes my report on SiE, LoL~
The picture below expresses my fury.

Friday, July 18, 2008
Memory card corrupted
The 1st week for this semester really is not good.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Quality blogging is hard..
But it seems that its kinda hard to keep up, as visitors to my site are kinda limited (30+ with linkreferral's help). Though linkreferral surfers might not be real readers but credit earners.
Guess that I will stop gaining credit for linkreferral, lets see how the daily visitors go, though it might reduce till about 5 visitors a day. Gaining credits use up lots of time.
Kinda hard to keep up stuffs recently, especially after the last result impact...

2nd year 2nd Semester's first week
Few of the worst changes on the time table are that I have to go back at 6pm (latest), Long breaks (3 hours) between classes, and class marathon (5 hours straight).
Crappy allocator, provide more stress to us.

Ps. Anyone skilled at drawing and scanning to their pc, please tell me how to do a decent job on what tools should I use to have a better effect instead of it being like the above picture.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Failure of the century
I had wasted lots of time and money in the university life.. Wasted MYR10k on failure alone, not to account the expense of food and fuel.
Guess that I would have to heed my friend and paste up my failed subject in front of me to keep me reminded that I'm a failure and must work more to cover the distance..

Crappy 3 marks make me waste all my time and money, not to mention that I allocated most of my time studying for this subject..
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Post-Exam stress
The results for last semester is coming out. Hope that I would get nice results.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
No luck?
Really no luck.
And semester 2 starts next week.. Double darn!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Great earning opportunity: SocialSpark
Interested in earning some money through your site or blogs but the Google page rank does not allows so? Here is the catch: SocialSpark is a choice which does not require Google rank for you to earn! They have several choices of opportunity, which is normal pay per post and blog sponsorship. Pay per post is that each post you posted for the advertiser once approved, they will transfer the money to your paypal. The other choice which is the blog sponsorship is that you have a contract with an advertiser for a specific amount of time, and they will display a ‘welcome’ page on your site/blog when it was visited. Blog sponsorship pays by a daily basis.
There is Code of Ethics on SocialSpark where users must follow if they wanted to do PPP (Pay Per Post) on their blog, which is very useful and promote honesty while PPPing.
They are:
100% Audit-able In-Post Disclosure
This means that you must visibly state that the post you are having is sponsored to let the visitors know about it. It will maintain the trust of the readers and avoid appearance of impropriety.
100% Transparency
Every member of Social Spark are visible to each other and the public. This system is designed to keep us honest. There is no way to avoid this transparency in this system. With the 100% transparency, you could also build community and drive traffic to your blog.
100% Real Opinions
Opinions on the PPP must be honest. Dishonesty will hurt the blog’s credibility, hence it was not recommended to give false opinions.
100% Search Engine Friendly
All links from SocialSpark are designed to not affect the search engine ranking as they containing “no-follow” attributes. The attribute must not be removed.
If the member does not follow their Code of Ethics, the system reserves a right to remove the violator from it or cancel their bounties.
Here is an example of a SocialSpark ooprtunity:
They would show you whether you are qualify for the opportunity or not on the left bar. When both "open" and "qualify" was green, you could take it as an opportunity! The $100 below the $5.50 opportunity pay is a bonus pay, where the advertiser determine who has the best post about the advertisement post, and the best post will be chosen and get the bonus! By telling this, I am increasing the numbers of competitors though, too bad I am honest! The above picture is an example of an opportunity where I can take, and it was for this post. Meaning that IF my post meet the requirements, I would receive the earnings of $5.50! Oh and by the way, every opportunity once verified by the advertiser must be completed within 12 hours or it will not count.
There may be some problem when first writing a post for the advertisement.
Here is a place where you could learn about posting up the right way after getting the reservation slot. I find it very useful.
Once again this post is sponsored by SocialSpark itself, happy earning!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
For example, in organization ABC there are some issue encountered, but instead of facing the issue, they create a diversion by handling not-so-important issue, and broadcast about the handling of the alternative issue, alternating the people's mind.
Irritating persistant
I am a university student for god's sake.
Just leave me alone and go to sleep yourself, I am not bothering you or anything!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Laptop charged and ready!
Utilized the Dell chat to identify the issue, where they promised for a replacement. At the same time, I told them to replace some other damaged part of the laptop which are covered by the Dell complete cover warranty system. Its a sweet system which would warranty all the components of the computer including the cover of the laptop itself, provided if the damaged was accidental.
A technician was sent over and replaced battery and several part of the cover of my laptop.
Dell seems to have a better service this day, and the chat with technician is very useful since if you use email, they will have a longer delay before you could get their reply.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Crossing Continents with the web!
There are lots of bloggers in this world. I wondering in which continents most of the bloggers live. So, I am challenging all the bloggers to do this tag. Let's see how far we can get with all of bloggers in those 7 continents.
~Begin Copy~
Rules :
1. Start Copy from "Begin Copy" until "End Copy".
Master List :
A. Asia : 1. Moms... Check Nyo (Philippines) 2. Aeirin's Collections (Philippines) 3. Jenny and Belle(Philippines) 4. Hailey's Beats and Bits (Philippines) 5. Appleofmyeyes(Saudi Arabia) 6. Deranged Insanity (Philippines) 7. PROJECT HEAVY TRAFFIC (Singapore) 8. Rooms of My Heart (Indonesia) 9. Blessings and Beyond (Philippines) 10. lancerlord (Singapore) 11. allinkorea (Korea) 12. kimchiland (Korea) 13. korean food (Korea) 14. idealpinkrose (Korea) 15. Pinay Mommy Online (Philippines) 16. Momhood Moments (Philippines) 17. Business Mars (Philippines) 18. Maiylah’s Snippets (Philippines) 19. Picture Clusters (Philippines) 20. My Wanderings (Philippines) 21. Hit-or-Miss (Philippines) 22. Life Quest (Philippines) 23. FunFierceFabulous (Phils) 24. and Life Goes On for... (Philippines) 25. Moments of Colours (Philippines) 26. Making sense… (somehow) (Philippines) 27. Day To Day (Philippines) 28. My Happy Place 29. Me and Mine (Japan) 30. Little Peanut (Japan) 31. Creative In Me (Japan) 32. Pea in a Pod (Japan) 33. A Slice of Life (Phils) 34. Jenny Said So (Phils) 35. Live it Up... (Philippines) 36. A Sweet Taste Of Life (Philippines) 37. Through The Rain (Philippines) 38. Sugarmagnolias (Japan) 39. ParentZine育兒好好玩 (Singapore) 40. We are Family (PH) 41. Reference Notes (Hong Kong) 42. The Sweet Life 43. A Great Pleasure (Malaysia) 44. Lalaine's World ( Thailand) 45. Proud Mommy (Philippines) 46. Petty Ramblings of a Petty Queen(Malaysia) 47. The Real Deal (Malaysia) 48. My Sweet Escape (Malaysia) 49. Mommy Earns Money Online (Philippines) 50. Pexlinks Triple Love (Philippines) 51. OnlineBiz and Resources (Philippines) 52. LadyJava's Lounge (Malaysia) 53. LadyJava Life's Pages (Malaysia) 54. Being Woman (Malaysia), 55. Cat Tales (Malaysia) 56. Make Money Online (Malaysia) 57. LadyJava's Food Paradise (Malaysia) 58. Lourdes' Mia (Philippines) 59. Miss Write (Philippines) 60. Me, Myself+2 (Phils) 61. Moments of My Life 62. My Deepest & Honest Thoughts (Malaysia) 63. Crissy's Haven 64. Strangely Out of Place (Philippines) 65. Frozen Moments (India) 66. NER: Never Ending Resolve (Philippines) 67. Mindjuice in Full Throttle 68. Straight from the Heart 69. Creative Thoughts (Philippines) 70. Emila’s Illustrated Blog 71. WilStop (Philippines), 72. Alanzain-home decor world (Malaysia) 73. Let's talk-everything in one space (Malaysia) 74. Tiklaton (Pilipinas) 75. Digiscraptology (Philippines) 76. A Life in Bloom (Philippines) 77. Because Life is a Blessing (Philippines) 78. Day to Day Miracles 79. Budget Traveler 80. The Success (Indonesia) 81. Lets Travel Philippines (Philippines) 82. enlaceré. tordu. (Singapore) 83.Blessings in Life (Philippines) 84. Tere’s World (Philippines) 85. Journey in Life (Philippines) 86. Thoughts and Beyond (Philippines) 87. Geng's Journal (Philippines) 88. e-Shopping (India) 89. Tippy-Tips 90. Life and Me (Singapore) 91. Xploring Asia ( Singapore) 92. Baboyita (Philippines) 93. A Place Of Being (Philippines) 94. Bits and Pieces (Philippines) 95. Asian Mutt International (Malaysia) 96. An Anonymous Journal (Malaysia) 97. WebGeek Journal (Philippines) 98. BlogScope (Philippines) 99. The Mind The Heart The Lines (Malaysia) 100.BoBo the Bimbo (Singapore) 101.Sjtl (Philippines) 102. Crissy's Zone (PHIL) 103. [S]hiphire [D]ominion (Malaysia) 104. your turn
B. Australia : 1. Reflexes (Australia) 2. Emcee 3. Outback-Pinay 4. Collect and Connect (Australia) 5. Stand My Ground (Australia) 6. Alive (Australia) 7. your turn
C. Afrika : 1. Doudy Sketche Watercolor Paintings 2. Optimizing for Search Engines 3. Painting Artworks 4. your turn
E. South Amerika : 1. your turn
F. Europe : 1. My Imaginary Travels (Netherlands) 2. Juliana's Site (Netherlands) 3. Picturing of Life (Netherlands) 4. SuperMae (Portugal) 5. The Callalily Space (The Netherlands) 6. Portia (UK) 7. Daily Grind (Germany) 8. Amel's Realm (Finland) 9. Mummy Diaries (England) 10. Mirage as Usual (Austria) 11. Say Cheese (DE) 12. your turn
G. Antarctica : 1. your turn
I am tagging : Everyone
Bad stuffs haunting
Hope that it wasn't taken but still lying around in my room.
The other thing is that the exam is haunting me now. Everytime after exam, I would be haunted by single digit dreams, until the results is out, this semester I have quite a nice internal, but the dreams does not stop, and kept on haunting me as usual. Damn it! I need lucky charms! Now is the time I would use attraction theory from "Secret"... Thinking to my self: I believe I will pass the test with 劲 colors!!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Weird items
The following are just a portion of funny items they have there.
What is this in a jar? It has size and gender stated with it on the sticker at the bottom of the jar. .

It turns out to be an underwear, LoL.

Here are some other random stuffs.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
New Template!
Had used about 2 hours to figure out to use this template.
Before that 2 hours I tried another template, for 3 hours!
But I find it kinda weird, and abandoned it for this theme, LoL!
How does it look?
Notice the little guy on my old banner is still there, LoL.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Exam over!!! For this semester only...
Then we straight away went to Sunway pyramid to watch a movie: Get smart!
The movie is one of the best humor movie which I known. It consists of gadgets, crappy jokes, sarcastic moment, betrayal, and romance.. What a weird combination of genres heh?
Unexpectedly that day itself is a race car display, with 2 invited genuine Japanese race queen to sing and dance on stage. they also had an event where 4 male volunteers from Japan and 4 male volunteers from Malaysia to have a sumo fight, with a plastic sumo outfit, which looks kinda crappy, but funny.
Here are the photos of the event. Since I took it from the 3rd floor, resulting the poor quality of the photos.
Kid's coloring contest

Race queen!

Here are the pictures from the sumo fight! LoL!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Spamming organisation
Here is 1 for you:

They spam me over and over again up to 9 times, I wonder what the hell are they trying to do spamming me over and over again.
And this is not the only post they spammed, they too spammed a number of other posts, totalling 16 spams within 4 posts.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
2 more days
The last paper will lasts for about 1 hour, though I have no clear idea on how the questions are going to come out, its quite a risk..
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Exam again
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Monash cafeteria.. My foot!
Monash cafeteria is one of the worse cafeterias that I had encountered in my life, even the cafeteria in my primary school could PWN it!
Monash cafeteria consists of several hawker stalls and a beverage seller. The hawkers are peoples came from random place which could afford the intense rent of the cafeteria, which is none of my business here.
One of the stall known as "Fresh Mixed Meals", it is one of the worse stall I had encounter in the cafeteria.
For a fried rice, a chicken (not drumstick), and 2 eggs, they charged me for MYR7.50. Damn that hawker, now that I had leant my lesson, I would spread the words of their @#$% pricing.
That guy stated to me that the chicken worth MYR3 when I am paying, normally a piece of chicken would costs at maximum, MYR2.
And their eggs, each of them costs MYR1! Just the eggs and chicken costs MYR5, means the crap salt spamming fried rice costs a freakin' MYR 2.50!
I had learned my lesson, and hope that other Monash students would read what had happened to me and avoid that crap store. Guess that in the new semester, they would target new intakes and rob their wallet daylight.
Another thing I noticed in Monash is that there are lots of place in Monash are cheaply constructed. Cracks could be noticed everywhere, and this buildings had only been a year. The air conditioner starts leaking randomly and while I was annoyingly eating my over-priced meal, the air conditioner directly on top of me leaked, and the water gets into my food (not to mention that it dripped on my head too).
Cracked walls
Maybe these are the sign that someone had been either cutting costs or somehow the money vanished in some place.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Things that makes you 感动!
A beggar donates his money to help the victims in China..
Its a very nice that someone could think of other before themselves.
By the way, the site is in Chinese.
Beggar donates RMB105
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Multiple Traffic red light!! 21 May 2008
Putting this aside, today while driving home, I encounter a junction which lots of people ignores the red light. There are about 10 cars passing through the red light from a each junction.

These drivers are kind of typical ignorant Malaysian drivers, where rules are ignored and "panda" could be bribed, enhancing the risk of traffic accident and increasing the death toll.